Double Treat Day
We have two reasons to celebrate today. It is National Mutt Day as well as National Avocado Day! I can relate to the mutt day because I have had so many of them. Today we can celebrate the overlooked mixed breeds. They are lucky because they get 2 days just for themself, Dec 2nd is their day as well. How can we celebrate our mutts? Here are a few ideas: 1- Adopt a Mutt. 2- Volunteer at a shelter 3- Foster a mutt 4- Donate to a shelter Dogs love us for who we are, they have better health and mutts need people too! National Avocado Day They are such a versatile fruit. You can add them to anything.Some unknown facts about avocados: There are 1,062 varieties of avocado. Avocados contain the most protein and fiber of any fruit. Just clean off the huge seed, pierce it with three toothpicks and submerge it right-side up in a glass of water. In about eight weeks it'll start to sprout, and when your avocado tree is six inches long, you can plant it in soil. Just be sure...