Brother Love

I wrote this story when I was in Grade 8. I got an F on it saying it was too unbelievable. I used the same story for a grade 11 English Class and got an A. It shows you that you should never be discouraged by others. I quit writing for awhile thinking I couldn't write, only to become a Children's writer. Brother Love Tom enjoyed the warmth of the sun's rays beaming down on his plump, rosy cheeks. He walked homeward, arms laden with party stuff for his younger brother's birthday. Today was a Saturday in mid July. The Thunder bay area was experiencing an extreme heat wave. Not unusual for this time of summer. "This day should be for fishing like every summer, Saturday was," Tom thought regretfully. 94 F. outside, the sun begging him to enjoy the day. Instead, his fate would be care taking twelve screaming, bratty kids. When he arrived home, his feet were hurting him from the hot pavement. "If I had gone fishing today, I could have fried the fish ...