The Outhouse Fiasco

The Outhouse Fiasco I can't believe my Aunt and Uncle let me get close to their farm after all the things that happened. They must have thought disaster followed me. My friend and I seemed to find trouble in everything we did. One evening after playing hard all day, we stunk, we were dirty and wanted to have a Sauna. My Aunt started it up for us and all we had to do was wait. Julie decided to use the outhouse before we got into the sauna. Both of us were overweight, Julie more so, and was shorter. Shortly after I hear screaming for the outhouse. I figured she saw a snake, no big deal. Again, she is hollering my name. I figured I better check, not that I wanted to see a snake or smell the outhouse, but I did go over. I open the door, there is no Julie. Where the ...