Basement from Hell

 2020 has taken on a new meaning for me.  I can handle all the strange things that are happening but when they start getting personal, it really starts to piss me off!  

I was sitting on my bed one night in July. A storm rolled in, for the third time that day. The earlier ones brought in some amazing clouds that looked like it was the end of the world, or the aliens were about to take over.  The late evening storm was the strangest. You could see the clouds through the night sky, but the  thunder was louder than ever before. It shock everything.

My son was about to make a night time snack when he announced, "Holy shit, the oven is on fire."  The oven elements blew to smithereens as the fire blazed.  As the fire was extinguished the wall behind me shook with a loud bang.  What the hell was that?  Going outside, flashlight in hand, inspecting the side of the house, a hole appeared.  maybe 8' long by 2' wide and deep.  The earth collapsed into a gaping hole.  Shock took over, we weren't going to do much checking at night, Lord knows if we would fall into some pit from hell!

Upon inspection the next morning we thought, why not just finish digging up  the dirt and put in new weeping tiles and fix any cracks in the wall since it hasn't been dug up since it was origionally built. Maybe that was a way to tell us to make good on a bad situation. 

All  walls needed grinding before repairing any cracks, blueskin, insulating and weeping tile. HORROR! We ripped it right to the inside with a screwdriver. 5 different random patch jobs covered by loose mortar. Nothing like having your gas line, electrical wiring, there.The fix: expanding grout, high grade caulk, lock in the spray foam, vapor barrier fast, apply heavy duty adhesive and press on composite siding. The skirting is crap!

This basement repair is getting stranger by the day. We have a secret room under the cement stairs with no entry from the basement. There was a makeshift wooden door leading to the back yard, a window close by, all leading to nowhere, so we think and hope.  On the ground was a black T-shirt with a couple of sticks made into a cross. The entire back is a horror movie! I'm waiting for the bodies or torture chamber! 

If I am not on the internet anymore, just know my house either collapsed on top of me OR the gates of hell have opened and taken me to the underworld!  I have an 8x4' hole around my entire house and I no longer have stairs from either door. Basically it's a moat. The hidden room is open, with an entry door behind disturbed cinder blocks. That will be opened tomorrow, pretty funky smell. I am betting it is the pathway to the next stage of 2020. I'm a little edgy tonight, because I have no idea where I will be in the morning.  To top it off, there is a hairy thing on my chair. ·

I have no idea if it is a hairball, my cat took one helluva shit or some demonic spawn that was left behind to piss me off. I refuse to touch it, smell it or try to figure what the hell it is or how it got there. I have never seen anything like it.   All this because my side yard caved in.   HELP!   

On a good note, We have awesome basement walls with no possible way of leaks or collapse.  No bodies have risen from the ground and the extra room has been filled up. Window was removed and sealed. Door remained in tack. 


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