Gabby's Lesson to all

The story began last weekend when Gabby’s younger sister, won a plush cat stuffie at a kids fishing tournament. The prize was the biggest catch of the day, and Adri was beaming with pride as she showed off her new fluffy friend to everyone. Gabby couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy, but she pushed it aside and joined in on the excitement, knowing how happy her sister was.

So what do i do? I found an identical cat (so I thought) on Amazon and had it shipped to the house of course! When the stuffie arrived, I tore the box open to surprise Gabby. To my disappointment, the cat was lumpy, had less stuffing, and, of course, had two holes already!

I passed over the toy, which, in my opinion, was not worth keeping, and yet even after showing her its flaws, she had the biggest smile.

I went into mom mode again and found out which store Adri’s cat came from and it was even the same price as the one off Amazon! When I told Gabby the plans to go to the mall to find a “better” toy, she was already in tears. I thought that seeing the better quality stuffie, she’d fall in love with it and hand over the damaged toy and forget all about it, right?!

So we purchased the new cat toy that was identical yet flawless. As we walked to the family vehicle, the tears started rolling since I said I was going to return the damaged one. I had it already packaged up, labels on, and ready for drop off at Canada Post. I ended up sitting in the RDX, trying to convince her that the new cat was better overall, and why would we want to keep a damaged cat? I even opened the box for her to compare and decide which one she wanted to keep. Despite my best efforts to persuade her, she insisted on keeping the damaged cat. 

In that moment, I had a mind shift. What kind of lesson would I be teaching her if I demanded that we keep the “better” toy? Everything in me was suddenly convinced I was in the wrong.

Lesson and good reminder of the day …love doesn’t require perfection.  I myself lost site and was humbled to be reminded of that as I saw it unfold through my daughter’s eyes 💕.

This was written by Gabby's Mom and used with her permission. 


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