A Soldier of War

My family is full of writers. My Mother wrote commercial jingles, actually 2  famous ones, she also wrote poetry. Her brother wrote a book but died before it was completed. I am a published author with a children's book, "The Adventures of Cardigan", and more on the way.  My brother Tom started writing lyrics, a novel that unfortunately was lost.

As children we were given the choice of what religion we wanted to be and studied many of them. Tom more than me. It fascinated him and he continued to learn. Then started the writing and he came out with his books.
 "A Soldier of War".
A Soldier of War is the first of a four part series which tells you of the purpose of God and ends with the reason for the creation of earth. The second in the series is A Soldier at Peace which describes what happened to God after creation. A Soldier of all Creation explains the many differing religions and opinions. A Soldier of Love tells you how it all ends. It was inspired and directed by the Holy Spirit. A Soldier of War is about Gods Journey before Earth. It explains why there are so many different races, religions and difference in thought. Most importantly it describes how it will end and when.How many times have you wondered why you are alive or how life really began?
How many times have you questioned the answers only to be told to leave that to the elders of your church. By reading A Soldier of War you will learn why it all began and what you are doing here right now.The search for God is the question of the ages.
Every holy man or woman has questioned themselves on what happened and why does it keep happening. Why do events just keep happening over and over again until some destruction happens and we start again. 

In the eternal argument the church will say that earth is only six thousand years old but science will say it has been here for billions of years and homo sapiens have been here over 50000 years. Both sides believe they are correct and the other is wrong. Combating religions will say they are correct and the other is wrong. A Soldier of War will tell you how they are all right and all have their place.

The next book is 

"Toms Ark (Controller of Dreams)"

Toms Ark encompasses a series of dreams provided by the Controller of Dreams to a devil who wanted to find peace. It is the story of a life which had been lost and then it was found when a devil named Tom took a chance and entered the compound which housed The Controller of Dreams. The Controller of Dreams sets Tom the Devil on a journey of life and in the dreams he confronts his fears, makes peace with his past and does the impossible for The Controller of Dreams and finds his own soul.

About the Author


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