Diabetes: A pain in the.........finger

This whole diabetes thing is not for me but will have to deal with it the rest of my life.

Newly diagnosed with a blood sugar of 11.5.  Was overweight all my life, tried every diet around. No problem with my sugars.

Diagnosed with Endometrial cancer in 2013, given 1 year to live. I took all treatments thrown at me and still here cancer free.

I decided I was going to change my lifestyle since given a second chance. My diet changed  but not really the foods. I stopped eating until I was full but rather ate until I was no longer hungry.  That made a huge difference. I'm a slow eater as it is so I filled up quicker. I ate everything I wanted, including chocolate but only took 1 piece. I lost 120 lbs for 4 1/2 years by doing that.

After the diet change, losing the weight I end up becoming diabetic! Go figure!  So now I have daily finger pricks and counting carbs , cut out my milk drinking.......this is a challenge for this old gal. But like others we just deal with it and do what we have to do.

So you don't have to go through this, read labels and watch the carbs and sugars, increase your fibres.
There are too many processed foods leading the way to becoming diabetic.


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