Writing for the love of it

I finally had my book published and can be listed as an author. Writing my Children's book started about 30 years ago. I had so many stories to tell about growing up in the Bush Camps in Northern Ontario.  Finally I decided to start writing about them.

 I had 5 stories and went through book publisher after book publisher and they wouldn't even look at them. I went through Children's Literacy and they loved the stories, but they are more of a go between. They have book shows to display what is available for publishing.  Nothing was working so I packed away my stories and didn't look at them for about 25 years.

I decided to give it one more shot, and now I have a published book available to the public. That is The Adventures of Cardigan.

That brought me to thinking, How many people who love to write never have their work published? That saddens me because there are probably thousands of stories that are amazing and will never be read. Don't put your stories in a closet like I did. Have someone read them and critique them. Reread, Revise and work toward publishing.
Maybe YOU might have the next Best Seller!

This is my book.


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