The Funny Side of Cancer

Cancer is not a funny thing to have, but some of the things that happen to your body are. I had cancer, I was given 1 year to live if I survived the first day. I was hemorrhaging and they didn't know how to stop it. I was given 2 high radiation treatments just to burn the area to stop the bleeding. That was 8 years ago. I kept a diary and looked at the funny things instead of fearing the cancer. Here is one of my entries after surgery for Endometrial Cancer. After all these years of NOT having an ass I finally have one! My friends were always laughing because we referred to each other as the fat ass and the flat ass. My cancer surgery changed that. After 10 days, it was time for me to see my surgical site. The first time I stood up and took a look at my incision without the bandaging and I found my ASS! I finally have one, I'm so excited. There it was, sitting right in front of my belly! What a glorious sight it was, a 90 year old woman's saggy, wrinkly ass hanging...